How to lose my belly ... intelligently

5:40 ص

Stubby in your top, have to unbutton your pants after a meal? Argh! We'll have to do to feel better. Center of the body and cradle of emotions, the belly is one of our most sensitive areas. Some even say that the second body-brain would intestines! That is to say. Battered, belly swells, stores fat, relaxes. So how to lose your belly? Here are our tips to get there easily and display an hourglass.

1- Deflate me that belly!

Shelter of the digestive system, the stomach is told, a real brain bis with the intestinal system. Fermentation, soft drinks, air swallowed while eating, constipation ... the désagrables events abound. Why ? The slightest gust of stress, excitement, a food component that does not pass: the belly swells and becomes painful. Our 9 solutions to deflate:

> Take your time to eat
Caught up in the noise, quickly swallowed a sandwich promotes air intake and slows digestion. Eat calmly, sitting at the table for at least 20 min, and chew each bite well.

> Measure out the fibers
They are found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and of course legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans coco etc.) are essential to a good transit. But be careful to associate with alkaline foods because alone and in too large quantities (more than 30 g per day approximately, an apple contains about 5 g to give you an idea), they can irritate the intestines and promote bloating .
See fiber foods:
> Focus on the good vegetables
They are well digested, drain the body and facilitate the removal. However Mollo on "floury" (dried vegetables), few recommended for fragile stomachs and intestines.

> Remember proteins
white meat, fish and eggs used to refuel energy and protein without fermenting or increase the volume in the stomach. But beware of sauces and animal fat difficult to digest.

> Opt for baked
By changing the structure of the food, cooking facilitates chewing, digestion and assimilation.

> Salt moderately
Excess salt promotes water retention in the abdomen. Taste before ressaler and limit consumption of industrial products.

> Banish snacking
For each food intake, however small, will trigger the digestive juices and digestive system, disturbed, leaves for a ride. Snack, ok, but at a fixed time.

> Look after your digestive system
difficult to digest? Take a course of probiotics (easily findable pharmacy).
difficulties to eliminate? Make a cure of prunes and figs in the morning for a few days (taking into account that they bring a lot of sugars), otherwise made vegetarian meals rich in fiber evening.

> Breathe
A good belly breathing helps to flush toxins from the body. Lie on your back, one hand flat on the tummy tucked, send air through the shoulders, bring him down in the shoulder blades, rib cage and diaphragm, and return air in the opposite direction.

also draw ideas from our light recipes
2- Monitor the beads
When we eat too much and evil, fat accumulates around the waist. Wondering how to lose belly fat?
> Review your energy intake
When we consume more calories than you burn, necessarily stored. For some, it is the buttocks and thighs, among other stomach: morphology of matter and heredity. If this is your case, plan a little diet.

> Crèmez you
Some slimming creams, rich in draining and déstockants assets are developed specifically to fight against abdominal roundness. Apply them morning and evening, and do from time to time a gentle scrub.
Prefer creams containing caffeine.

> Massage your
First in the clockwise shows a slowly and pressing lightly. Then pinching the skin by peeling it and by rolling (rolling massage).

> Radical and ultra efficient!
Know that there is a method that manages to destroy fat cells: the cryolipolise. This is to lock up your beads in a small box that sends ultra-cold, with a registered technique (the Zeltiq)! This technique can neutralize cellulite. The results are bluffing. This is perhaps worthwhile to pay the price (about 500 € per session. The belly requires two sessions).
3- Finally, tone your tummy!
First, it is often too sedentary.
Second, we increasingly tend to keep evil.
Assisi, it collapses and twists. Consequent sagging abdominal, pelvic tilt forward and lack of muscle tone. It gives a soft and prominent belly, and back pain as a bonus.

> Stay right
The belly is linked to the back, the shoulder girdle (scapula, clavicle, sternum) and pelvis. As often as possible, consider tightening the abs and straighten you.

> Play sports that refine the size
That is to say: climbing, gym, martial arts, dance, badminton, rowing machine.

> Do abs
It's basic, but it really works. A rate of 5 minutes every morning and always thinking of getting stomach during the exercises, you get a flat stomach and toned.

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